The first shop where no money are needed in Italy

The first shop where no money are needed in Italy

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In Italy the first shop where no money are needed it’s called Space Tuttogratis and was born in Milan, in the through-tunnel Porta Vittoria.

In this shop anyone can bring wear clothes, books, toys, shoes, tools, ornaments or other things that does not use more or take them. Because this store does not provide for trades, but reuse.

"From Tuttogratis, at the forefront in the project, you can take everything in the shop without paying anything, but the most important thing you can give everything." - explained Donatella Pavan, the president of deposits Urbani.

More than a real store, in fact, Tuttogratis is a gift dedicated to space. All can bring something or anything, which  is still in good condition. The project, moreover, is born to encourage reuse and combat waste and the proliferation of waste.

"How many useless objects we have at home that we no longer use, that clutter your life and make it more complicated , asks Pavan Donatella. Then ”How many people have lost and are losing their jobs?” Their purchasing power has been lowered significantly. " Tuttogratis also wants to be a place of integration between social classes and different cultures, "a meeting place that is always configured as a time of growth," emphasizes Pavan.

Of course those who want to help must respect some basic rules, such as not to bring items broken, dirty and unusable, furniture too bulky or pornographic material. Everything else is welcomed.
