French Grammar Lesson

French Grammar Lesson

ЕВС/ЕСК новости Hits: 330

I started my first activity in Prilep in the primary school Kliment Ohridski with joy and excitement. It was about giving a french grammar lesson to Macedonian students.

Knowing that grammar it’s not very fun to learn, I thought of a way to return this lesson more playful while being rewarding. Accompanied by their french teacher Kristina, I became acquainted with fifteen young people. Everyone had presented to me. Their level in french language impressed me. I appreciated their enthusiasm and also their desire to improve. It’s in a good working and sharing atmosphere that we could exchange and learn each of us.

I had placed them inside three working groups, mixing the school level of everyone in view of help each other. During one hour, they filled the conditionnal present exercices that I prepared previously. This event being only prepared in french, they could making work their vocabulary too. For each interrogation or doubt avout the subject, their teacher and me were here to help them.

We have finished the lesson by taking a group picture to memorize this event. I have thanked them for their attendance and their curiosity. It was my first experience as an intervener into a classeroom. I really liked it, both professionnally and personally. I find that interverne in that way, allow us volonteers to reach a sort of proximity which lend our EVS most authentic. I’m looking forward to restart in a few days.
